Change R (Rscript) Windows Environment Path from OneDrive

pain in the butt

When OneDrive was installed in a computer, it’s painful using R and Rscirpt in command line.

  • Since the Documents has been hijacked by OneDrive, whenever you open the directory C:\User\YourName\Documents it automatically redirects to C:\Users\YourName\OneDrive - Spectrum Health\Documents. You don’t want to backup 2-GB R library fold to the OneDrive.

    • How to reach the real C:\User\YourName\Documents instead of C:\Users\YourName\OneDrive - Spectrum Health\Documents, you have to go C: drive, then User folder, then YourName folder, then Documents.
  • R’s default environemnts
    • Home directory is C:\Users\YourName\OneDrive - Spectrum Health\Documents
    • User library (R_LIBS_USER) is C:\Users\YourName\OneDrive - Spectrum Health\Documents\R\win-lib\R-version

Change R envrionments

  1. Change .Renvrion under C:\Users\YourName\OneDrive - Spectrum Health\Documents
R_LIBS=C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.2/library
  1. Copy the above .Renvrion to C:\User\YourName\

Change Rscript envrionments

  • In command line, set the following PATHs before Rsciprt R_Script.R

    set HOME=C:/Users/YourName
    set R_USER=C:/Users/YourName
    set R_LIBS_USER=C:/Users/YourName/Rpackages
    Rsciprt R_Script.R
  • In Task Scheduler of .bat file
    Same as command line, those PATHs must be set before Rsciprt R_Script.R
    • Google Analytics authentication
      Add ga_auth(token = "C:/Users/CHU83456/.httr-oauth") in your R_Script.R
